A young lady with a learning disability working at Perryfields infant school as a cleaner.

Inclusive Employment candidates

Candidate information

The ECL Inclusive Employment programme is the perfect way for people with a learning disability and/or autism to get the support they need to take those first daunting steps into paid employment.

How Inclusive Employment works

ECL’s Inclusive Employment team work with Essex based people over the age of 18, with a diagnosed learning disability and/or autism.

Crucially, the support you receive will be shaped by you – it will depend on your employment goals and ambitions, the skills and experience you already have, and what works for you and your support network. We will support you all the way with your choices and decisions.

All types of jobs in any sector can be considered, it could be full time or part time paid employment.

We have a great team of Inclusive Employment Consultants, Job Brokers, Job Coaches, and Sustainment Officers who are ready to not only help you navigate the path to employment, but to make sure you are happy and able to sustain your job

Support provided to candidates:

Watch Maisie's story

Maisie describes how having the support of ECL's Inclusive Employment team has helped her to secure her dream of an admin role in a school.

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Watch Amy's story

Amy describes how the support of her ECL Inclusive Employment team, and the wonderful reception of the team at Perryfields have enabled her to secure a job she loves.

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Watch the stories of Zach, Cloe, James, and George

Zach, Cloe, James, and George describe how employment at the East of England Co-op has transformed their lives.

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Community Connecting

Elaine sorting through items at EACH charity shop with two other people

ECL's Community Connecting programme enriches lives by supporting people with learning disabilities and/or autism to find meaningful activities and connections in their local community.

Community Connecting