Inclusive Employment - David's perspective

David is a 39-year old an animal fan who loves learning. He had been enjoying volunteering at a local nature reserve before Covid-19 took hold. Once the world reopened, he was keen to regain some of the independence he had lost during the pandemic. In early 2023 his social worker referred him to ECL’s Inclusive Employment team who encouraged him to take on a new challenge - braving the world of work…

David was paired with Inclusive Employment Consultant Caroline, who began to build a picture of the type of role that would appeal to him. Having lived in South Woodham for five years, he was no stranger to the sight of families enjoying fun-filled days out at nearby Marsh Farm and Caroline soon realised that the attraction would be an ideal placement for David.

Thankfully, director Aaron Othman is a firm advocate for inclusive employment and was equally enthusiastic about partnering with ECL. Soon, David and Caroline were on their way to the Farm.

She says, “From the first meeting it was clear that this was going to be a wonderful placement for David. Instead of conducting a traditional interview, we met Aaron for an informal ‘get to know you’ chat before being invited to get stuck in during a trial shift.”

David was delighted to have the chance to show what he could do, instead of being appraised in a daunting interview setting which so often leaves people with learning disabilities and autism at a disadvantage. He says, “Some places aren’t very welcoming, but Marsh Farm was brilliant. I think it’s much better to give someone a trial so you can see what they’re capable of, instead of judging a book by its cover.”

David and his employers have had access to tailored support from ECL’s Inclusive Employment professionals since the beginning and will do for as long as they need it. Before his first shift, Caroline provided a detailed overview of David’s needs and preferences and was by his side during his initial induction and first two weeks on the job. Once he was settled and secure, he was paired with a buddy on site and one of ECL’s Inclusive Employment Job Coaches, Linda, who has become an extension of the Marsh Farm team.

Marsh Farm employees

Linda says, “I’ve absolutely loved being on this journey with David. The change in him has been incredible – he’s so much more independent and chatty, his health has improved, and he’s learnt a range of new skills. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every day spent at Marsh Farm and have been impressed by the company’s attitude and ethos – it has undoubtedly been the perfect fit for them both.”

Moving forward, Linda will be helping David with travel training so he can eventually walk the 25 minutes to work and back each day unaccompanied. Over time, the level of in-person support he needs will reduce, but ECL will always be on hand to help, conducting regular check-ins with David and his managers.

“This job suits me,” says David. “Marsh Farm is a very nice place to work. The staff are friendly, everyone is made to feel welcome, and I know that the managers really care. It’s a positive environment and I look forward to coming to work every week because I feel respected here. Every shift is different so it's never boring.”

“I’ve got more money to spend doing the things I like, my doctor is pleased with me because I’m healthier, and my confidence has grown. I know I can always talk to Linda if I have any worries, but I’m very happy. I would recommend ECL’s Inclusive Employment programme to anyone who wants to work because they’ve helped me find my perfect job,” he says.

Marsh Farm

About ECL Inclusive Employment

ECL’s Inclusive Employment service provides adults with learning disabilities and/or autism to achieve their ambitions of obtaining paid and meaningful employment.

The expertise of the team supports each individual to achieve their end goal of paid employment by identifying their talents, skills, qualifications and interests, matching them to ECL’s established network of partnership employers.

Every step of the individual’s journey towards paid employment is supported by developing their CVs, arranging interviews and work trials, as well as work experience if required. The team provides on the job coaching for the employer and employee to maximise success. Click here to find out more about ECL’s Inclusive Employment Service.

If you are a local business that is interested in becoming an Inclusive Employer, please contact Emma Young, Inclusive Employment Engagement Lead or visit our Inclusive Employers page.