ECL's clinical care enables customer to regain her mobility and return to her favourite activities

Elaine is a confident, happy lady who has been a regular face at one of ECL’s day centres for many years. When mobility issues started to prevent her from taking part in some of her favourite activities the team stepped in to help and, thanks to a speedy referral to ECL’s in-house clinical team, Elaine’s now back on her feet and doing better than ever…

A clinical approach to day centre care can significantly improve the independence and wellbeing of adults with learning disabilities

Elaine, who has Down’s syndrome and a number of other complex health conditions, has been attending an ECL day centre twice a week for many years. The staff are all familiar with her needs and well versed in how to manage her care, closely monitoring her so that any changes to her physical or mental wellbeing are quickly picked up.

One of Elaine’s favourite things to do is get out and about during ‘shop and cook’ sessions, which involve a short walk to the local supermarket. However, her keyworkers noticed that she was increasingly needing to take breaks during their outings and was becoming slower and less steady on her feet. She was struggling with balance problems and, over time, they observed a significant decline in her mobility. The team was also concerned that several falls had led her to feel anxious about walking anywhere at all. They decided to seek expert support.

A referral was made to ECL’s fantastic in-house clinical team, so that Elaine could be assessed and given a tailored therapy plan to get her back to full fitness. She was visited by ECL’s occupational therapist and physiotherapist at the day service soon after, who worked with her to put together a regime which set out to improve her ability to walk safely, reducing her risk of falls and increasing her independence.

By taking part in regular chair-based and standing exercise sessions, Elaine’s overall fitness levels began to improve, boosting her confidence and reducing the feelings of stress and anxiety she had begun to experience. She was also provided with a specialist walking aid – delivered to the day centre just three days after her initial assessment – so that she could get back to doing all the things she loved.

ECL’s dedicated day opportunities physiotherapist, Ilona Bojaczuk, was responsible for creating the personalised therapy plan for Elaine. She says, “Elaine is a really bubbly lady, but falls and a loss of mobility meant she was at risk of becoming isolated as she couldn’t actively participate during her visits to the day centre. If she missed her bus, she was unable to attend at all. Having Down’s syndrome means she is prone to mobility issues, but she also has a number of other challenging health conditions to consider. I worked closely with her to design an exercise programme which would keep her moving without putting additional strain on her body.”

After comprehensive training, the day centre team was able to deliver Ilona’s plan and everyone has been thrilled with the results.

My colleagues at the day centre have done a fantastic job supporting Elaine with her physiotherapy sessions and their reports show she’s making excellent progress. She’s now able to join back in with the walks she loves, and she’s even been able to make the journey from home to the service when public transport was unavailable. I’m so proud to be part of a company like ECL which prioritises getting customers like Elaine the help they need so quickly. Having timely access to therapeutic services like ours really does make a huge difference to people’s lives – it undoubtably has to Elaine’s

-Ilona Bojaczuk, Physiotherapist, ECL