Jason's Story - Stop! Look! Listen!

ECL Inclusive Employment team help prepare candidate for new job as a Crossing Patrol Guard.

Jason was initially receiving support from the Shaw Trust when ECL’s IE team met with him. He was keen to work as part of the school crossing patrol team with Essex County Council and was waiting for confirmation of his DBS checks so that he could get started with his training.

ECL Inclusive Employment Consultant Julie Bailey-Maher met with Jason to complete his CV and Vocational Profile, he also had an Outcome star completed. The Outcome Star is designed to map Jason’s progress through a rating system of 1-5, as Jason moves into employment it reflects the areas of his life that this has a positive impact on.

Initially, Jason was very nervous and negative about his abilities to undertake his role and Julie worked with him to build his confidence, providing him with travel training and helped him make transport plans so that he could be independent with his travel.

Once his DBS checks came back Jason was provided his uniform and began his two-week training, every day he demonstrated that he was learning the techniques his manager, Richard Watson from the ECC School Crossing Patrol team was showing him. By the end of the two weeks Richard felt confident to sign Jason off and allow him to begin working alone. ECL’s Inclusive Employment team continued to provide distanced observations and support with the e-learning training that he was required to complete.

Jason’s ECL Inclusive Employment Consultant, Julie said: “I am so proud of how quickly Jason was able to progress with his training and learn his transport plan in order for him to arrive to work on time. Jason develops his confidence everyday by ensuring he makes conversation with the public. He’s doing a really great job.”

Jason provides the local residents and the children accessing nearby schools with support to cross the busy road weekday mornings and afternoons.