Inclusive Employment - K flourishes in paid employment at FedEx

K is a 21-year-old with autism who, despite having a degree in musical theatre and a friendly, outgoing personality, experiences significant anxiety. Their main goals were to find paid employment, move into their own home, and learn to drive. However, despite submitting numerous applications, K struggled to secure job interviews due to a lack of work experience. Determined to gain experience, K took the initiative to volunteer at Oxfam, where they learned valuable workplace skills and strategies to manage their anxiety.

A young person in high-vis jacket standing next to a metal tank with FedEx logo on it

When K connected with Carly, an Inclusive Employment Consultant from ECL, they were hopeful but realistic about the challenges ahead. Together, they conducted a vocational profile and explored different job opportunities to find roles that would suit K’s strengths and interests. While reviewing vacancies, K was drawn to a warehouse position at the logistics giant FedEx, which surprised Carly as she had expected K to prefer a more customer-facing role. However, K felt that a manual, behind-the-scenes job would be a great fit, allowing them to build confidence without triggering their anxiety.

Carly arranged an interview for K and helped them prepare by practicing common interview questions. FedEx was supportive of Carly attending the interview with K, and she was ready to step in if needed. However, K excelled in the interview independently and was thrilled to be offered the job.

To ensure a smooth transition, Carly assisted K with the induction training, which K completed quickly, allowing them to start the job earlier than expected. K also received some job coaching from ECL Job Coach, Eileen. Remembering their first day, K said, “I felt very scared on the first day, so I was grateful to have Eileen by my side.” However, K adapted quickly, and soon Eileen found herself waiting in the canteen, just in case she was needed. Eileen also helped K get comfortable with the bus route to work, ensuring they could travel independently and safely.

A person receiving lunch from a kitchen worker at their workplace

Now, K works five days a week at FedEx and is thriving. Their enthusiasm and energy are evident, and they particularly enjoy the social aspect of the job, forming bonds with their colleagues, who are welcoming and supportive. FedEx has been incredibly accommodating, easing K into the role with shorter shifts in the first week to help them adjust. Starting during the busy pre-Christmas season was challenging, but K’s colleagues stepped up to support them, including one team member who ‘buddied up’ with K in the early days to help them find their feet.

The job provides an attractive income but also opportunities for growth—K earns extra pay for completing training, and their next goals include learning to operate X-ray machines and obtaining a forklift license. K is excited about their financial independence and is saving to move in with their partner. “This job gets me closer to that goal,” they shared.

K speaks passionately about how employment has transformed their life.

Before I worked at FedEx, I was fairly timid. My previous job search attempts had made me lose faith in myself, but my confidence has grown exponentially. I’ve come out of my shell. Having paid employment gives me a dependable daily routine, which is important for managing my anxiety. I have gained so much independence, and it’s great for my physical and mental fitness.

-K, ECL's Inclusive Employment customer

K encourages others with autism or learning disabilities to seek support from ECL’s Inclusive Employment team. “I would recommend that anyone with autism or a learning disability reaches out to ECL’s Inclusive Employment team to get help with getting employment. It absolutely would not have been possible for me without Carly.”