
Luke is a 26-year-old man with aspirations of being the next Tom Cruise in the film Cocktail! Having completed vocational training in catering and hospitality at ECL Greenacres, it was Luke’s dream to become a cocktail waiter.

“the job with French Martini has been very positive for Luke, his confidence has grown tremendously, he’s matured, and his independence skills have developed."

Inclusive Employment Consultant, Caroline Giess, supported Luke to create his vocational profile and CV and approached ‘French Martini’, a cocktail bar and restaurant in Billericay, via Instagram to see if they would consider offering Luke work experience. French Martini enthusiastically agreed and were so impressed with Luke’s and his work, that they immediately offered him paid employment. Luke was extremely excited and went shopping to buy a new outfit to look smart at his new job. Caroline and Luke agreed that he would initially work for four weeks on a voluntary basis to give Luke a real opportunity to learn the job properly.

Caroline supported Luke at his first shift, but it was clear at the outset that when Luke is interested in something, he is then motivated, his concentration is good, and he is extremely capable, so he learned the job very quickly. Caroline supported Luke to understand the workplace rules and procedures and coached him to understand that he couldn’t always play the joker and there was serious work to be done! As Luke is now working independently, Caroline has taken a step back, but checks in regularly with Luke and his employers to ensure all is progressing well and to offer support to them both, should any challenges arise.

Luke works for French Martini 4.5 hours a week, on a paid basis, where he pulls pints, pours prosecco, serves food, cleans tables, and is a natural at front of house, checking all the customers are happy. Luke loves his job so much that during lockdown he even offered to work unpaid so he could keep his hand in and help with their takeaway service.

Luke’s is looking forward to developing his skills further, he wants to learn how to pour a pint of Guinness and make his favourite cocktails. He is a favourite with the clientele, attracting generous tips that he’s saving to buy a Gucci belt, Rolex watch, and laptop!

Caroline commented “the job with French Martini has been very positive for Luke, his confidence has grown tremendously, he’s matured, and his independence skills have developed

- he no longer needs prompting to take care of himself. French Martini are an exemplary inclusive employer, they look out for him but still expect the same standard of work as from other staff.”

Beverley, Luke’s mum added, “the support from Caroline has been off the scale, she has done incredibly well to help Luke attain his dream job, which is vital to maintaining Luke’s interest and motivation.”

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Ground-breaking project to help adults with learning disabilities and autism to achieve their aspirations of paid employment.