
New to care, Mark had a clear vision of the sort of company he wanted to work for when he decided to make the leap from the entertainment industry. ECL’s commitment to its people and its customers stood out from the moment he came across the website, and he’s been delighted to find that his positive first impressions were spot on…

''ECL has proven itself to be a professional company, whose people put customer care at the forefront of everything they do”

More than 30 years since his last formal job interview, Mark decided to bite the bullet and move on from his career as a production manager and sound & lighting technician. Keen to explore roles in care, he began doing some online research into the opportunities available to him and stumbled across ECL’s website.

Mark says, “Although it was quite a departure from my previous job, I knew I wanted to go into a role in care and had been scrolling vacancies when I saw an advert for ECL. There were a number of different avenues you could pursue within the business, but it was clear that offering truly person-centred care was the priority whichever path you chose. It was that ethos that convinced me ECL was exactly the kind of company I had been looking for.”

Mark applied for the position of Community Care Assistant and was invited to attend his first interview for over three decades. He was understandably nervous at the prospect, but the friendly team made him feel at ease and he was soon being given the news that he’d been waiting for. “I was elated when I was told I’d been offered the job” he says. “Of course, I accepted straight away!”

Since starting his journey with ECL, he’s been struck by the level of support on offer and has always felt confident that help is at hand should he need it. Mark notes, “The camaraderie and support that the team offers is one of the best things about my job. Everyone is so willing to help others and I know that I can tap into the knowledge and experience of my managers and colleagues any time.”

As a newcomer to the care industry, the first few months have been a steep learning curve for Mark but he has embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. “I’ve learnt so much since I started and continue to every single day,” he says. “Each day is different in this role and I’m just relishing the opportunity to grow into a new career. ECL has proven itself to be a really professional company, whose people put customer care at the forefront of everything they do and I’m so pleased to be a part of it.”

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At ECL we look for people who share our values and passion, along with our commitment to make a positive difference to people’s lives through our community home care support service. We invest in our staff to ensure they are able to offer the highest levels of care and achieve great outcomes for our customers and themselves.