Meet Amie

She is a bubbly, fiercely independent 22-year-old, who loves food and maths! She has an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) and attends college 3 days a week, where she enjoys drama, maths and English.

When Amie joined the ECL Saffron Walden day centre, her parents were keen for her to continue her education on the two days a week that she is at the centre.

In July 2022, ACL (Adult Community Learning) started running education courses at the day centre, and that was when Amie really started to flourish. She studied maths, English and ICT and it was clear from the outset that Amie’s learning level was beyond entry level 1. ACL adapted Amie’s learning sheets to enable her to progress at a faster rate and she is now working towards her level 2!

Amie is still studying maths and English and has both aptitude and a particular interest in maths, she loves nothing more than a conversation about Pythagoras and times tables! She has discovered that she likes to help others in her class and now aspires to find a job where she can help teach people maths, she commented: “I would really like to teach maths to people who are struggling, I’ve got lots of methods I can use to help them."

Rebecca Kelly, ECL Day Opportunities Lead Manager explained, “it is important to offer young adults continued learning opportunities once they’ve left full-time education. Many people with learning disabilities and/or autism discover an interest in learning in their early twenties. They may need more repetition and time, but we see our customers learning something new every day, and people like Amie, demonstrate just what is possible!”

To support her job ambitions Amie will progress to the ECL Inclusive Employment team when she has finished her studies in July 2024. The Inclusive Employment team will help her to get job ready, support her with the job application, interviewing process, and provide on-the-job coaching for as long as she needs it. They will also work with the employer to ensure that they understand and can accommodate any additional needs Amie has to succeed at her job.

Amie’s dad, Rob, is delighted with Amie’s progress, he commented: “Amie has found the maths, English, and IT training very helpful. She has often been resistant to IT in the past, particularly anything new. Now she will adopt new technology far more readily. She has also found the maths and English enjoyable, particularly in reinforcing prior learning. Amie finds the day centre very friendly and welcoming, and it has definitely helped Amie to develop her social skills." Amie added: “I am now very excited about the idea of getting a job and it’s all thanks to Rebecca (ECL Day Opportunities Lead Manager) and Diane (ECL Day Opportunities Manager)."