
Rollerworld is an entertainment and leisure venue based in Colchester, the main attractions are roller skating, laser quest, karaoke and it also has a café, bar, and shop. Rollerworld employs approximately 32 people, one of which is Anne Khan, who is the director of operations...

"We do not see disabilities as a hindrance to employment, our staff just need a keenness to work hard and as part of a team. We feel that everyone should be given a chance to prove themselves.”

When we asked Anne what made Rollerworld consider employing Inclusive Employment candidate Billy, she explained “Billy came highly recommended by the ECL Inclusive Employment team, he is a young happy guy that was desperate to work and be a part of a team and we thought he would be a great fit for Rollerworld."

Billy did a one-month work trial at Rollerworld, closely supported by Inclusive Employment consultant, Beth Durling, to help him learn the working practices and settle into his new environment. Beth also supported Billy to successfully complete a food hygiene course.

Anne explained, “in the very early days there were a few teething problems as Billy was initially very shy and struggled to get to grips with certain tasks, but Beth was always there to help both Billy and us. We had regular meetings and collectively we worked through any issues to make sure Billy was able to reach the high expectations that we have of our staff. We also made sure that Billy felt very welcome and comfortable at Rollerworld.

Billy has now settled into his role very well and is able to run our skate hire and deli counter without supervision. He doesn’t have to be told what to do anymore, he just gets on with his job and has now even started to support and train new employees to do the same role as himself! Billy has been asked to work an additional evening shift and we are in the process of teaching Billy to work on reception, which is a very responsible role.

Billy takes pride in his work, despite being quiet at first, he is now great with customers and he is funny, making us laugh a lot. Billy has high principles and has become a well-loved member of our team; other staff members are very protective towards him but enjoy a lot of banter with him. Billy has really grown as a person since working with us and is now a confident member of the Rollerworld team.

Rollerworld is a diverse and inclusive company, we employ several employees with additional needs and are committed to supporting them in any way we can to be successful in their roles. Employing Billy has certainly been a huge success and he has received some very positive reviews from our customers."

I would recommend Inclusive Employment, it required effort at first and it doesn’t always work out, but ECL was there every step of the way and Billy has exceeded our expectations; he is one of our most reliable and punctual members of staff, he works well as part of the team and the team love working with him.

-Anne Khan, Director of Operations, Rollerworld, Colchester

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