ECL sensory support service receives national charity commendation
ECL’s sensory support service has received a ‘Stepping Forwards’ commendation from Deafblind UK.

ECL’s Head of Sensory Service Faye Harburt was awarded the commendation on behalf of ECL and Essex County Council (ECC) for ‘community support and service’ in recognition of how the service successfully helps people living with deafblindness.
Faye Harburt, Head of ECL Sensory Service said: “I am thrilled to have received this accolade. I’m incredibly proud of my team, they are so passionate about helping people and this commendation is testament to the amazing job that they do. Losing your sight and hearing can be an isolating and frightening experience. Our sensory team provides emotional and practical support designed to ease people’s fears and improve their independence by providing them with techniques, equipment and the confidence to live the life they want. Our close partnership working with Deafblind UK means that deafblind people can access our combined services including their social groups across the county, and this commendation recognises the difference these services make.”
The commendation was formally acknowledged at the annual Deafblind convention on the 6th of October, which this year was the largest event on Deafblindness ever held in the UK with over 900 delegates.
Robert Nolan, Chair of Deafblind UK said: “We’d like to congratulate Faye on her commendation. Our ‘Stepping Forwards’ commendations are a way of recognising people who have gone above the call of duty to support the deafblind community. ECL and ECC provide such an important service to people in Essex and we wanted to recognise what a difference it is making to people’s lives. We value their continued support, to helping Deafblind UK in its mission to deliver quality support and information to enable people who are deafblind to live more independently and with greater confidence and increased control.”
ECL’s Sensory Service is commissioned by ECC to provide specialist support to people in Essex who have a sight loss, hearing loss or combined sight and hearing loss (deafblindness).
They support services providers to be more accessible via the Sensory Action Alliance, the provision of lived experience sensory training, and sensory access charter marks, as well as providing one-to-one support that enables individuals to access the community and health appointments.
Deafblindness is the combination of sight and hearing loss that affects a person’s ability to communicate, get around and access information. It is also referred to as combined sight and hearing loss, multi-sensory impairment, or dual sensory loss.
Deafblind UK is a national charity that helps people who are deafblind to live with their condition and to build their confidence and independence. Offering practical help, emotional support, help with technology, information, advice, and more to anyone who needs it.
If you think you or someone you know could benefit from ESC’s services email:, telephone: 03330 133 262, text: 07921397547, or visit our Sensory page.
For more information about Deafblind UK visit, call 0800 132320, text 07903572885, or email: