Accessible Information Standard Toolkit
The toolkit aims to provide you with a quick reference guide and links to key information to help you achieve compliance with the Accessible Information Standard (AIS).

It will feature guidance and tools relevant to your organisation and share examples of good practice.
Much information is taken from the AIS implementation guidance itself with links to the document for further reading.
The contents will continue to develop as we gather information and we would welcome feedback and suggestions of content so please do get in contact with us.
We use a range of terms and so refer to ‘patients’, ‘individuals’ and ‘people’. Please adjust to suit your service.
Who does the Accessible Information Standard apply to?
The Accessible Information Standard applies to – and therefore must be implemented and adhered to by – all providers of NHS and publicly-funded adult social care. This includes (but is not limited to) the following organisations:
- All providers of NHS care or treatment
- All providers of publicly-funded adult social care
- Adult social care or services bodies (in their role as service providers)
- Independent contractors providing NHS services including primary medical
- Services (GP practices), dental services, optometric services and pharmacy
- NHS Foundation Trusts and NHS Trusts
- Providers of NHS and / or adult social care from the voluntary and community
- Providers of public health services, including advice and information
The Standard aims to support everyone with information and / or communication needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss. This includes, but is not limited to:
- People who are deaf, blind or deafblind
- People who have hearing and/or visual loss
- People with a learning disability
- People who have communication difficulties following a stroke, such as aphasia, or because of a mental health condition