General information
Dive into our collection of useful information, a hub where you can find everything related to sensory loss, making it easy for you to access helpful resources and support.
Types of sensory loss

Sensory loss, or sensory impairment, is the common term used to describe Deafness, blindness, visual impairment, hearing impairment and Deafblindness.
Types of sensory lossSight and Hearing Tests

Everybody should have a sight test every two years, or more often if recommended by an optometrist, and there are a variety of ways you can have your hearing tested.
Sight and Hearing TestsSocial care for adults

Essex County Council provides a wide range of services and support ranging from libraries and bus passes to recycling and emergency services.
Social care for adultsSocial care for children, young people and families

Essex County Council and Local Offer sites offer a range of different services to support children, young people and families with sensory impairments.
Social care for children, young people and familiesCare home support for residents with sight and hearing loss

We have compiled a resource guide to help care homes residents who have sight and hearing loss.
Care home support for residents with sight and hearing lossUseful information

This page is dedicated to providing information on a range of topics and links to useful organisations.
Useful informationConsultations and reports

Relevant national and local reports and consultations which aim to support people with hearing loss to participate fully within society, and are not limited in their potential to succeed.
Consultations and reports