Specialist one to one support
We have a team of highly skilled and experienced staff available to support individuals in a range of settings including in the home, in the community and in hospital.
We can offer bespoke support tailored to individual’s needs, whether this be ad-hoc one-off support, regular hours, or urgent intervention. We’d be more than happy to chat about how we might assist so please feel free to drop us a line.
Email: sensoryservices@essexcares.org
Call: 03330 133 262
SMS: 07921 387 754

Our services are person-centred and focused upon empowering those we work with to have choice, control and to live the life they want.
This may be supporting someone in a crisis situation to maintain their independence and their home through to supporting people to have rich life experiences such as music events, making friends or travelling into London.
The world can be your oyster with the right person by your side.