There are many pieces of equipment available to assist and enable you to adapt your environment so that it is better suited to your needs.
We have a wide specialist equipment resource and can offer demonstration, advice and in some cases – provision on behalf of Essex County Council. We can offer you a holistic assessment at home to understand your equipment needs relating to sight, hearing or dual sensory impairments.

Call: 03330 133 262
SMS: 07921 387 754
Examples of common equipment needs we can assist with are:
- Access to telephone ringing and hearing callers
- Textphones and advice on mobile phone apps
- Access to Smoke alarm during day and night
- Doorbell options so it can be heard around the home
- Provision of and training with white canes
- Lighting assessments and recommendations of equipment / adaptations
- Magnifications equipment
- Daily living equipment to ensure safety in the kitchen
There are a variety of local voluntary organisations who may also be able to provide you with equipment advice, demonstration and the opportunity to visit resource centres and purchase equipment direct. We can provide you with full details so please do contact us if you would like any information or support.